Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Kind of Tomato Is This?

I need to get out more.  My sister brought me this tomato the other day.  Couldn't resist holding it out in her hand and asking "Do you know what this is?"  Well, I didn't, of course, but it looked like a tomato.  "What kind of tomato is this?" I ask.
"Dunno," she responds.  "Just thought you'd like it."
She's lucky -- lives only 30 minutes from a Wegman's, which is the premier supermarket around here.  In the boonies, where I live, I couldn't even get fresh Brussels sprouts when I wanted them. 
I'll look this up later -- and I'll eat it, too; I'm dying to know what it tastes like. In the meantime, maybe you know -- What kind of tomato is this?


  1. It's a Kumato! They are almost brown looking when ripe. An excellent eating tomato. Yum! Let us know what you think of it.

  2. wow, I have seen this tomatoes somewhere, are they mahogany heirlooms?


  3. I wish I did know! I love trying heirloom varieties of tomatoes. I am interested to hear your thoughts on this. I hope you are having a lovely week. Thank you for always sharing such great eats with me.


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